Smart Grid
High efficiency,
high reliability
The rising penetration of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar into our power transmission and distribution systems, coupled with the move to the era of smart grids with an increased focus on high-voltage DC (HVDC) transmission is driving the need for efficient and high-power-density power electronic converter systems.
Offering SiC solutions for solar inverters, converters for wind energy systems, high-voltage sensing and protection equipment and auxiliary power supplies, the Navitas GeneSiC portfolio of SiC Schottky MPS™ and SiC MOSFETs provides the characteristics and thermal performance that these systems demand while helping to drive up grid efficiency and reliability.
App Notes, Articles

Understanding the Datasheet of a SiC Power Schottky Diode
A datasheet is an important document to understand the operational functionalities of any product, and due to a large amount of technical information on the document, it is sometimes difficult to comprehend useful data. Therefore, this application note provides a detailed discussion on how to read and interpret the notations, parameters, and diagrams on Genesic Semiconductor’s Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power Schottky Diode. It is applicable to the new generation Merged Pin Schottky (MPS™) diodes.
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