Markets and Technology
In applications from 20 W to 20 MW, and with device voltages from 650 V to 6.5 kV, GeneSiC silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs and Schottky MPS™ diodes drive high-speed, high-efficiency power conversion across diverse markets including EV, industrial automation, solar, wind, grid, motor drives and defense. High-volume, high-quality shipments ensure application performance, reliability and uptime availability.

Trench-Assisted Planar Gate: No-Compromise Technology
SiC MOSFETs offer superior conductivity and switching performance compared to silicon (Si) due to their ‘wide bandgap’ characteristics and high electric-field strength. However, traditional designs using legacy planar or trench techniques must compromise between manufacturability, performance, and/or reliability.
GeneSiC’s patented trench-assisted planar gate design is a no-compromise, next-generation solution; high-yield manufacturing, fast and cool operation, and extended, long-life reliability.

High Voltage Pioneers
GeneSiC have pioneered robust, high-voltage, high-efficiency SiC MOSFETs which are critical for reliable, harsh environment, high-power applications
- Unique, advanced, integrated 6.5 kV technology
» Double-implanted metal oxide semiconductor (DMOSFET)
» Monolithically-integrated Junction barrier Schottky (JBS) rectifier
» Superior high-power performance - Higher efficiency bi-directional performance
» Temperature independent switching
» Fast (low switching loss) and cool (low conduction losses)
» Longer-term reliability
» Easy-to-parallel for high power (VTH stability)

Widest Range of SiC MOSFETs 750 V – 6.5 kV
To access product datasheets, models, and to order parts, please click here.
Cool. Fast.
• How well does the MOSFET conduct current (measured in RDS(ON) )?
• How efficiently does the device ‘switch’ (measured by energy loss, or EXX )?
For each question, we must understand the answer in both ‘hard-switch’ and ‘soft-switch’ topologies, and under tough high-temperature and high-speed conditions. Combined, a high-temperature, high-speed (frequency) figure-of-merit (FoM) is critical for system performance and reliability.

- GeneSiC vs. competitor SiC FET
» 1200 V, 20 mΩ, TO-247-4L
» Higher drain current
» Lower conduction losses
» Cooler operation
- GeneSiC vs. competitor SiC FET
» 1200 V, 40 mΩ, D2pak in half-bridge
» 150 kHz switching = ~10x faster than Si IGBT
» 30% lower FET loss vs. other SiC
» 25°C cooler operation = 3x longer lifetime

Typical Circuits

SiC Schottky MPS™ Diodes
Merged-PIN Schottky (MPS) Diodes combine two beneficial features from the PIN and Schottky diode. The PIN sustains excessive surge currents with low leakage, while the Schottky element offers low forward voltage drop and fast-switching characteristics. Target applications include PFC, Boost, and high-voltage, higher-power motor drives.
To access product datasheets, models, and to order parts, please click here.
SiCPAK™ Power Module
1200V G3R™ MOSFETs with trench-assisted planar gate technology

Designed for Superior Performance and Robustness
- 1200V, 5mOhm to 30mOhm in half-bridge configuration (SiCPAK™ F1 series)
- Lowest RDS(ON) positive temp. coefficient enables highest efficiency at real operating temperatures
- Ag sintered for superior thermal dissipation & reliability
- Active Metal Brazing (AMB) substrate with Si3N4 ceramic for superior bending strength, fracture toughness, & high thermal conductivity
- Industry-standard press-fit module with pin-to-pin combability
Contact your local distributor or sales rep to discover the power of GeneSiC technology!
- Samples available immediately with short volume-production lead times
- Broadest silicon carbide portfolio – over 140 products in mass production (from 650 V to 6.5 kV)
Sales & Distribution Support
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Global / Online Partners
Digi-Key Electronics
Mouser Electronics
Arrow Electronics
Newark Farnell element 14
US Partners
electro sonic
Master Electronics
NAC Semiconductor
Thorson Rocky Mountain
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European Partners
Iberica Semiconductores
Compomill Nordic Components
Dacpol SP. Z O. O
TME Electronic Components
Boran Technologies Ltd.
China, Hong Kong
Asia-Pac Partners
ShineTech Electrical Technologies Co. Ltd.
Conquer Semiconductor International Corp.
Semisolution Supply
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